Why have an eye test?
Vision is arguably the most precious of our senses therefore your eyes deserve high quality care and attention. An eye test will reveal whether your vision is normal, or whether it could be improved further with spectacles or contact lenses. Regular eye tests are important because your eyes do not usually hurt when something is wrong. An eye test not only enables you to maximise your vision, but it also provides a vital health check for your eyes. Early signs of eye conditions can be detected before you are aware of any symptoms. Many of these can be treated if discovered in time, e.g. glaucoma. In addition an eye examination is an important health check, which in some cases can detect serious underlying problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes and raised pressure in the fluid surrounding the brain as well as brain tumours.
Who should have an eye test?
In short everyone! You deserve the best vision that can be achieved. For drivers poor eyesight can be dangerous, not only for themselves but for other road users and pedestrians alike. Therefore all drivers have a legal obligation to meet the current visual standards in the UK.
Eye tests are particularly important for those in the following categories:
- To ensure proper development of the eyes and visual system is occurring
- Many children’s conditions may be asymptomatic (hidden) and they do not know when to raise issues as to them things appear normal
- To teach children the importance of caring for their eye sight
- All children under 16, and those under 19 and in full time education qualify for an NHS funded eye test
Over 40′s
- Many eye conditions become more common as we get older
- Many people around this age require additional help for reading
Family history of Glaucoma
- A close family history of Glaucoma increases your risk of developing this condition
- Those with Glaucoma or aged 40+ and with a close family history of Glaucoma (parent / sibling / child) qualify for an NHS funded eye test
- Your eye test may help identify signs of diabetes at an early stage
- For those with diabetes the eye test will assist in monitoring the condition. NB: the eye test is in addition to any local diabetic screening protocols in place
- Diabetics qualify for an NHS funded eye test
What will happen during my eye test?
On average a routine eye test takes around 25 minutes to perform. In some cases it may take longer if additional tests are required. Although each exam is specifically tailored to the requirements of the individual, in general it will cover the following elements:
- A discussion around your individual history and symptoms
- An assessment of your current distance and near vision
- An assessment of how well your eyes work together (including the muscles that control eyemovement)
- An assessment of your external and internal eye health
- Tests to assess whether your distance and near vision can be improved further
- An assessment of your ocular pressures and field of vision (if required)
- A summary and discussion of your eye test results
What will happen after my eye test?
The outcome of your eye exam is unique to you and your optometrist will discuss in detail the options available to you. These may include:
- You may be issued with a statement saying you do not need spectacles or that your current prescription is stable.
- You may be issued with a statement saying that a change in prescription is recommended. You will then be offered the opportunity to purchase new spectacles, update your existing spectacles or consider alternatives such as contact lenses.
- You may be referred to your GP or local hospital for further investigation/treatment.
I’m scared of having an eye test. What should I do?
Some people have concerns, even phobias, about having their eyes examined. If this applies to you then kindly contact us and you can speak directly to our Optometrist for advice and reassurance.
At Douglas & Cobane your eye exam will be fully conducted by our Optometrist using the latest optometric equipment and no element of it will be delegated to unqualified members of staff.