Although VDU screens and other types of visual display unit such as tablets and smart phones do not cause permanent damage to the eyes, prolonged viewing can give rise to visual discomfort and fatigue. Typical symptoms include headaches, tired/sore eyes and problems with close-up and long-distance vision.
A complete and regular eye examination with Douglas & Cobane will reveal any problems that may be present. Exercises, spectacles or contact lenses may be all that is required to relieve the discomfort.
The HSE guide ‘Working with display screen equipment (DSE): A brief guide’ outlines what is required to be compliant with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 for both employers and employees. It states that eye care for VDU users is to be provided by employers in accordance with regulation 5 of the Display Screen Equipment Regulations. Should glasses be required solely for VDU use, the employer is also required to pay for basic frames and lenses.
Thanks to our simple price structure this does not have to be a great expense to any employer.
For further information please contact us.