At Douglas & Cobane we aim to provide the very best in eye care for all our customers. For those who are housebound and unable to attend the practice unaccompanied, we offer a full domiciliary service where both the eye test and dispensing facility can be conducted in the comfort and privacy of a home setting.
Much of the essential equipment used for an eye test has a portable equivalent thus making this possible. A minimum of 48 hours notice is required to arrange a domiciliary visit, and these usually take place once or twice a month.
We can visit private addresses, residential and nursing homes, hospitals and day care centres. We are able to work in most environments and can adapt the testing in each location. Where possible, the eye test should take place in a room which has good lighting with blinds (or curtains) which allow the room to be darkened when necessary. Ideally there should be three metres (10ft) of space in front of the person’s chair (or bed) and adequate room either side for access. Use of a plug socket will be required.
Anyone who is eligible for an NHS sight test but is unable to attend the practice unaccompanied because of a mental or physical disability is entitled to a domiciliary sight test funded by the NHS. Private patients can also be tested where a supplementary fee of £40 in addition to the usual eye test fee applies.
If you require a home visit or would like further information about this service then please contact us.